African Congress for Transformation on the Healthcare Crisis

25th April 2024

The African Congress for Transformation (ACT) is inundated with calls from qualified physicians who have not been assigned positions by the government, despite assurances made by the Minister of Health, Dr. Joe Phaahla, that all unemployed doctors would be placed by 1 April 2024. President-General Dr. Ace Magashule, a strong advocate for education, who in his time as the Premier of Free State sent many young people to universities both in the country and internationally, has expressed grave concerns regarding the challenges faced by unemployed doctors. President-GeneralMagashule urges the government to take all necessary measures to ensure that these doctors are assigned to positions or to find alternate methods to ensure their contribution to the country. “It is unacceptable for the country to spend millions of rands on sending these young people to universities to study medicine. only to inform them after seven years of study, that the government cannot provide employment and they should seek assistance from SASSA.” The President-General expressed concern about the current situation, particularly in light of reports of skills shortages in the country, when there are qualified doctors who are unemployed and idle.

ACT urges the government to accelerate the resolution of the predicament faced by unemployed doctors.

The solutions are readily available, and as the ACT, we are ready to engage in discussions with the government to exchange our thoughts with them. We have qualified medical practitioners inside our party who are equipped to provide resolutions to the issue at hand. This issue is not a matter of political affiliation; it is a topic that concerns the entire nation and necessitates the participation of all individuals. In addition, we have been receiving calls from unemployed nurses and social workers who are facing similar circumstances as the doctors. The situation is extremely distressing and must not be neglected.

The only requirement is the government’s determination. The solutions are readily available; the Minister of Health and his team just need to employ innovative thinking. We, the ACT party, extend an offer to the

Minister of Health to engage with us at any time. We are willing to arrange a meeting between some of our members and the Minister’s staff to discuss the details of our proposal about unemployed doctors, nurses, and social workers. We extend an invitation to unemployed doctors, nurses, and social workers to contact us. Perhaps we can arrange an indaba, to engage in a discussion regarding these matters. VOTE ACT!

Issued by ACT Media and Communications Department

Contacts: ACT Head of Media & Communications: Mo’hau Khumalo – [email protected]

